About a week has passed since I started travelling by a carriage. That means that a week has passed since I last saw Leticia.

Phew! It’s such a relief.

We haven’t arrived in the city yet.

It would take some time as we picked up a distant city so that Leticia has no chance of ever finding us.

But even in a week only half the path was traversed. But the road ahead seems to be better and off of any dangers.

Maybe we will arrive in a day or two.


The vibration of the carriage seemed to cause drowsiness. I am a victim of it myself. And now it was Alice next door who yawned.

“I’m sleepy …”

“Isn’t it okay to sleep?”

“But then I won’t be able to sleep at night. If I move around a lot in the morning, I can sleep soundly irrespectative of anything else but here that’s not the case … when I am in the middle of a carriage trip like this, I don’t get much of an opportunity to move around.”

“So that’s it?”



“Hey, Haru. Let’s talk something? Maybe that would help.”

“Even if you say that …”

I can’t think of it. I was oblivious to the whole world because of Leticia.

But now? Now that I am free. I don’t even have any topics to discuss. My knowledge is just that limited.

“I have something to ask you then, is it okay?”

There was indeed something that I wanted to inquire and it was probably something more than driving off sleep.

“Yeah, please do.”

“How did you spend her time at your previous party? I’ve only heard that you had left that party for some reason, so I’m wondering what you’d been up to.”

A few days ago, it was Alice who asked me the same question. But now it was my turn instead.


Her face flushed up all of a sudden.

She looked awkward as she sluttered in her seat.

Was it something that I shouldn’t ask?

“… That’s a Secret ♪”

“What is that?”

That’s certainly not fair.

“It was a joke, it’s not big enough to tell. I just broke up with the previous party for a reason … and then I found Haru when I was looking for a new party. That’s it.”

“Is that so?”

“that’s right”


Somehow, it felt like Alice was lying.

There was no basis to it, it was just a hunch, but … I could felt like that.

What was it that she was hiding? To the point of lying about it in order to hide it.

But, I don’t really want to force her to reveal it, so I ended the discussion here.

“Leticia, I hope that you can handle yourself well.”

“That’s right.”

Alice laughs and I laugh too.

It would be a sight to watch once Leticia realizes that she was made a fool of.

But, even in such a situation, I can’t help but ended up thinking about Leticia. Ironic isn’t it?

For some reason, I cannot completely ignore her. Whenever she had called me out… at the very least I had heard what she had to say for old times sake.

I can’t just throw away the memories of the past. I am just not that kind of person. And somewhere in my heart, I may be hoping for conversion but not the Letica of today. I wanted to talk one last time to the old Leticia.

Ugh, its annoying.

I’m so hyppocitical. I am not sure about anything myself. Why does these things have to happen to me?

I … How should I deal with Leticia?


Alice’s sharp voice rang out as I was lost in a daze.

As I followed her line of sight, my eyes fell upon another carriage at the end of the highway.

In addition, there were multiple shadows that looked like monsters surrounding it on all sides.

“What should we do …”

“Let’s help!”

“As expected of you. I flet that you might just say that!”

Alice and I got off the carriage and ran together towards the monsters.


My name is Anju Autumn.

A daughter and saint of the lord of the fortified city of Arland.

God has given me a mission to save powerless people, and I have been encouraged for the same every day.

The mission this time is to quell the plague that has occurred in the villages under the jurisdiction of Arland.

But when I arrived at the village, the village was already to the point of no return.

However, thanks to the efforts of my friend and escort Nine Sinfonia and his subordinates, we succeeded in successfully quelling the plague.


My power is not a big deal.

All I provide is a little but of help.

After completing the mission, we were about to return to Arland, but what! We were attacked by monsters on our way back home.

It was dangerous as it was to be attacked during travels but…

Our the opponent was a level 45 death ant.

Although it looked like a giant ant, its power was strong enough for even experienced adventurers to fail against its plight. It was not easy to get rid of.

What’s more? Death Ants act in groups.

We were surrounded by over 10 death ants … oh my God. Yes, I could only pray to my God as I prepared myself for my death. For even he was unlikely to save me today.

“Gyaa !?”

An escort soldier collapses on Death Ant’s fangs. It was over.

“Ku … Sacred Breath!”

I tried my best as I hastily healed the wounds of all of the escort soldiers using advanced healing magic.

However, in the meantime, other people were also getting hurt … we were being push back by the horde of monsters.

“Fairy Circle!”

I had to use all of my cards to save everyone.

So, I used advanced healing magic with a wide range to heal the wounds of all of my companions at once.

But … no!

The enemy’s attack was tremendous and my recovery cannot catch up. So much for being a saint.

“Lady, we will act as a decoy! In the meantime, please escape to Arland!”

“Nine, don’t say that! I’ll never forgive you for saying such things. We will all live and go back to Arland together!”

“But for us to win is … A monster is heading this way! Twin bolts!”

Nine skillfully manipulated the daggers in both hands and tore the Death Ant’s head.

Nine’s level is 33.

Although there are differences among indivisuals, and the same went for Nene. She has solid power and experience, and she can also use powerful advanced skills.



The wound on Death Ant’s head closed and regenerated in the blink of an eye. Was it all but futile?

Not only does it have a high attack power, but it also had an amazing regenerative power that it would not die unless one destroys the core in the center of it’s torso … Indeed, What a terrifying monster!

As sooon as I had encountered such a monster my destiny had been but sealed forever.

But … I won’t let the Nine die!

“Nine, take your subordinates and fall back behind me!”

“Lady !? What on earth are you going to do? You are a saint, that’s not even a close combat class to fight as a vanguard, how can you attack it … No way !”

“No way can I attack it … I will use self-destruction magic.”

That’s the only attack magic that the saint has … to self destruct themselves to support their teammates.

A self-destruct magic that showers a heavenly wrath instead of giving someone life. Quite in contrast to the saint’s usual skills.

With it I can help everyone escape.

“Don’t do that! Don’t do that! If it’s a sacrifice that is needed, it should be us, not the lady !!!”

“Thank you, Nine. You are a very kind person. And you are my dearest friend. Please let me help my friend in need this once.”

“Lady !!!!”

Nine was suppressed by another escort soldier.

They also understood that there was no other way for everyone to escape alive. Or probably they chose to be selfish and want to live? Either way it worked for me.

I headed to the flock of Death Ants …

Focus my magical power on my forehead my mana was ready to redirected into the spell… Death Ants began flocking towards me as I waited for the right moment.

Finally, the last thought that came to my mind.

“… I wanted to eat the pan cakes made by Nine again.”

But I had made up my mind and began channeling the spell for self-destruction …


“Huh …!?”

Suddenly, a huge flame flew.

The flames raging like creatures swallow a swarm of death ants.

However, Death Ant is highly resistant to fire.

There is also a report that it withstood a heat of up to 3000 degrees, so defeating Death Ant with fire magic is …

“It can’t … it shouldn’t … but … why?”

The Death Ants were screaming in pure agony.

The body, which was supposed to have a strong resistance to flames, burned out in the blink of an eye.

Soon after, as their bodies failed to keep up with the damage and couldn’t regenarate the nucleus was also burned out … The swarm of Death Ants was wiped out with the rising ashes.

“What on earth … what …?”

Did someone help me?

However, defeating Desant with flame magic … How much mana would be needed to make that possible? Was it even possible?

Even using advanced fire magic usually does not produce such a result.

What kind of magic is this now?

“Are you okay!?” the voice of a man resounded in my ears……


As I looked back I found a man as tall as me.

Staeling a glance of that that person, I felt a strange sensation in my chest.

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